Catawba at Mount Olive
@ Mount Olive, NC (Kornegay Arena)
2/18/2025 at 6:59 pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
Catawba (6-7,0-0 DI Independe) 17 16 14 0
Mount Olive (9-2,4-0 Conference C) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
Cataw -- 1st -- MO
  Cataw starters: Zdonek, Eli; Phillips, Trevor; Reeder, Cam; Smith, Kristian; Brown, Jacob; Eastin, Wyatt; libero Adkisson, Max.  
  MO starters: Hosic, Blake; Maryott, Holden; Sandvig, Tate; Lahey, Jackson; Iacovou, Constantino; Grant, Kory; libero Colombo, Luca.  
1-0 [Lahey, Jackson] Service error. Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Grant, Kory). Point MO 1-1
2-1 [Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Brown, Jacob (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
3-1 [Brown, Jacob] Service ace (Colombo, Luca). Point Cataw
[Brown, Jacob] Kill by Hosic, Blake. Point MO 3-2
[Iacovou, Constantino] Service ace (TEAM). Point MO 3-3
[Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 3-4
4-4 [Iacovou, Constantino] Service error. Point Cataw
[Smith, Kristian] Kill by Maryott, Holden (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 4-5
5-5 [Grant, Kory] Kill by Eastin, Wyatt (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
6-5 [Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Colombo, Luca). Point MO 6-6
[Hosic, Blake] Attack error by Reeder, Cam (block by Sandvig, Tate). Point MO 6-7
[Hosic, Blake] Service ace (Adkisson, Max). Point MO 6-8
7-8 [Hosic, Blake] Service error. Point Cataw
[Eastin, Wyatt] Service error. Point MO 7-9
[Maryott, Holden] Attack error by Phillips, Trevor. Point MO 7-10
[Maryott, Holden] Attack error by Brown, Jacob. Point MO 7-11
  Timeout Catawba.  
8-11 [Maryott, Holden] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Zdonek, Eli). Point Cataw
9-11 [Reeder, Cam] Service ace (Colombo, Luca). Point Cataw
[Reeder, Cam] Kill by Iacovou, Constantino (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 9-12
10-12 [Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Grant, Kory. Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 10-13
[Sandvig, Tate] Attack error by Phillips, Trevor. Point MO 10-14
[Sandvig, Tate] Service ace (Adkisson, Max). Point MO 10-15
  Timeout Catawba.  
[Sandvig, Tate] Service ace (TEAM). Point MO 10-16
11-16 [Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Reeder, Cam (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Brown, Jacob] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 11-17
12-17 [Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Eastin, Wyatt (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Smith, Kristian] Kill by Maryott, Holden (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 12-18
13-18 [Grant, Kory] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Reeder, Cam). Point Cataw
[Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 13-19
14-19 [Hosic, Blake] Service error. Point Cataw
[Eastin, Wyatt] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 14-20
15-20 [Maryott, Holden] Service error. Point Cataw
[Reeder, Cam] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 15-21
[Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Colombo, Luca). Point MO 15-22
16-22 [Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Service error. Point MO 16-23
[Sandvig, Tate] Service ace (Adkisson, Max). Point MO 16-24
17-24 [Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Brown, Jacob (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Brown, Jacob] Service error. Point MO 17-25
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Cataw -- 2nd -- MO
  Cataw starters: Zdonek, Eli; Phillips, Trevor; Reeder, Cam; Smith, Kristian; Brown, Jacob; Eastin, Wyatt; libero Adkisson, Max.  
  MO starters: Hosic, Blake; Maryott, Holden; Sandvig, Tate; Lahey, Jackson; Iacovou, Constantino; Grant, Kory; libero Colombo, Luca.  
1-0 [Reeder, Cam] Service ace (TEAM). Point Cataw
[Reeder, Cam] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 1-1
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Phillips, Trevor. Point MO 1-2
2-2 [Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
3-2 [Phillips, Trevor] Attack error by Grant, Kory. Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli (block by Grant, Kory; Iacovou, Constantino; Sandvig, Tate). Point MO 3-3
[Sandvig, Tate] Attack error by Smith, Kristian. Point MO 3-4
4-4 [Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Brown, Jacob (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
5-4 [Brown, Jacob] Attack error by Iacovou, Constantino. Point Cataw
[Brown, Jacob] Service error. Point MO 5-5
[Iacovou, Constantino] Service ace (TEAM). Point MO 5-6
[Iacovou, Constantino] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli (block by Grant, Kory). Point MO 5-7
[Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Maryott, Holden. Point MO 5-8
6-8 [Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Reeder, Cam (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Smith, Kristian] Kill by Maryott, Holden (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 6-9
[Grant, Kory] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 6-10
  Timeout Catawba.  
[Grant, Kory] Attack error by Reeder, Cam. Point MO 6-11
7-11 [Grant, Kory] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 7-12
[Hosic, Blake] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli. Point MO 7-13
[Hosic, Blake] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Grant, Kory), block error by Eastin, Wyatt. Point MO 7-14
8-14 [Hosic, Blake] Attack error by Lahey, Jackson (block by Eastin, Wyatt). Point Cataw
9-14 [Eastin, Wyatt] Kill by Reeder, Cam (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Eastin, Wyatt] Kill by Maryott, Holden (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 9-15
10-15 [Maryott, Holden] Service error. Point Cataw
[Reeder, Cam] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 10-16
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Eastin, Wyatt (block by Sandvig, Tate; Iacovou, Constantino). Point MO 10-17
[Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Iacovou, Constantino (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 10-18
  Timeout Catawba.  
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli. Point MO 10-19
11-19 [Lahey, Jackson] Service error. Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 11-20
12-20 [Sandvig, Tate] Service error. Point Cataw
  Cataw subs: O'Neill, Luke.  
[O'Neill, Luke] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 12-21
[Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 12-22
13-22 [Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
  Cataw subs: Pendergrass, John.  
14-22 [Smith, Kristian] Attack error by Hosic, Blake. Point Cataw
15-22 [Smith, Kristian] Attack error by Hosic, Blake. Point Cataw
[Smith, Kristian] Service error. Point MO 15-23
[Grant, Kory] Attack error by Reeder, Cam. Point MO 15-24
16-24 [Grant, Kory] Kill by Pendergrass, John (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Maryott, Holden (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 16-25
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Cataw -- 3rd -- MO
  Cataw starters: Zdonek, Eli; Phillips, Trevor; Reeder, Cam; Smith, Kristian; Brown, Jacob; Eastin, Wyatt; libero Pendergrass, John.  
  MO starters: Hosic, Blake; Maryott, Holden; Sandvig, Tate; Lahey, Jackson; Iacovou, Constantino; Grant, Kory; libero Colombo, Luca.  
1-0 [Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Zdonek, Eli). Point Cataw
2-0 [Pendergrass, John] Kill by O'Neill, Luke. Point Cataw
3-0 [Pendergrass, John] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Pendergrass, John] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 3-1
[Sandvig, Tate] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli. Point MO 3-2
[Sandvig, Tate] Attack error by Reeder, Cam (block by Hosic, Blake; Iacovou, Constantino). Point MO 3-3
4-3 [Sandvig, Tate] Service error. Point Cataw
[Reeder, Cam] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 4-4
5-4 [Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
6-4 [Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Lahey, Jackson), block error by O'Neill, Luke. Point MO 6-5
7-5 [Grant, Kory] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[O'Neill, Luke] Service error. Point MO 7-6
[Hosic, Blake] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 7-7
[Hosic, Blake] Kill by Sandvig, Tate. Point MO 7-8
[Hosic, Blake] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 7-9
[Hosic, Blake] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 7-10
  Timeout Catawba.  
8-10 [Hosic, Blake] Kill by Pendergrass, John (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
9-10 [Smith, Kristian] Service ace (Sandvig, Tate). Point Cataw
[Smith, Kristian] Kill by Sandvig, Tate (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 9-11
10-11 [Maryott, Holden] Kill by Phillips, Trevor (from Adkisson, Max). Point Cataw
[Zdonek, Eli] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 10-12
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Reeder, Cam (block by Iacovou, Constantino). Point MO 10-13
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli. Point MO 10-14
[Lahey, Jackson] Attack error by Reeder, Cam (block by Sandvig, Tate; Iacovou, Constantino). Point MO 10-15
  Cataw subs: Cordray, John.  
[Lahey, Jackson] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 10-16
11-16 [Lahey, Jackson] Service error. Point Cataw
12-16 [Pendergrass, John] Attack error by Grant, Kory (block by Cordray, John; O'Neill, Luke). Point Cataw
[Pendergrass, John] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson), block error by Smith, Kristian. Point MO 12-17
[Sandvig, Tate] Service ace (TEAM). Point MO 12-18
[Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 12-19
[Sandvig, Tate] Attack error by Zdonek, Eli. Point MO 12-20
[Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Iacovou, Constantino (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 12-21
  Cataw subs: Eastin, Wyatt.  
[Sandvig, Tate] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Colombo, Luca). Point MO 12-22
13-22 [Sandvig, Tate] Service error. Point Cataw
[Cordray, John] Kill by Hosic, Blake (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 13-23
14-23 [Iacovou, Constantino] Kill by Zdonek, Eli (from Smith, Kristian). Point Cataw
[Phillips, Trevor] Kill by Grant, Kory (from Lahey, Jackson). Point MO 14-24
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